Monday, 22 June 2015

Short Moral Stories: The ant and the Dove

Once upon a time a thirsty ant wants to drink water from the river.  Just then he lost his balance and fell into the water and was washed away.  A dove was to be sitting in a tree nearby and saw what happened.  He quickly plucked a leaf off the tree and threw it down into the water next to the ant.  The ant was able to climb onto the leaf and was saved his life from drowning.

A while later a hunter came by with his trap.  He started setting up his trap to catch doves.  The ant knew what he was up to.  â€śHow can I let this hunter catch the dove that saved my life?” he thought.  â€śI must do something!  But how can a little ant like me save my friend from a great big man?”   Then he had an idea.  He hurried across the path, climbed the man’s leg and then gave him a bite. Cried the hunter and dropped his trap.  The dove flew off. “Thank you, dear ant, for saving my life,” he called.  â€śI’ll never forget your kindness!”
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